Tuesday, August 02, 2011
5 y-o : Aunty, kenapa tak tulis (menaip) dah?
Aunty : Dah penat tak bole pikir..
5 y-o : Kenapa tak bole fikir?
Aunty : Otak penat
5 y-o : Kita kene guna otak untuk fikir. Kalau otak kita penat nanti kita jadi lambat. Kalau otak kita tak penat nanti kita jadi laju.
Aunty : Otak 5 y-0 penat ke tak penat?
5 y-o : tak penat.
Aunty : ok tolong aunty type ni.
5 y-o : tanak..
Main point - KITA KENA GUNA OTAK UNTUK FIKIR hehehe....
Selamat menyambut Ramadhan... :)
Friday, July 15, 2011
I do have the urge of buying / doing many things and at the end, i end up with nothing due to my guiltiness of buying / doing it.
Today at lunch time, I saw one nice bloody handbag and i decided to buy it, because i have a thought of buying something nice for me (which i didnt do for a very long time). Then in a second, the guiltiness starts pouring in. The results i end up with nothing. It happens over and over again for many things unless if i can see my toe nails peeking up thru my shoes.
Theres something wrong somewhere. Not only happen when I want to buy things. Now it also happen when im doing things. Working late, do make me feel guilty big time. So does any activities beyond 5.30pm do make me feel guilty especially to my kids. To my dear friends, I really want to meet guys badly but I just cant. I really missed talking/doing things with people which do not-live-close-to-me.
I'm always worry if the kids get home late. I really hate it. The kids should be home by 7.30pm or earlier so that they can spend their quality time at home and not at baby sitter's. I can the see the joy on their face if they get home early.
When it does involve the kids and the family, i always feel guilty about doing anything else for myself. The guiltiness just creep into my soul where i do feel the tension and i always end up with stress.
I think its about time for a visit to "that place" again.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
- ha amacam? ape jadi budak2 lama ko?huru hara?
- Baru padan muka dieorg bila ko takde.
For me takde masalahnye pun kalau seseorang itu bertukar ke tempat kerja yang lain. Hidup perlu diteruskan yaw! ada hikmahnya bila kita membuat sesuatu yang baru. Dalam situasi saya ni, saya bukan la baru sangat dalam pekerjaan saya ni. Cuma dulu saya hanya focus kepada 1 scope kerja sahaja. Sekarang dari 1 dah jadi 23. ha! kan bagus tu. Kita kena cari ilmu, bukan tunggu ilmu datang kepada kita. Dalam mencari ilmu tu off course la banyak cabarannya kan? off course kita kene recce peluang2 yang bole kita ambil untuk meningkatkan skills kita.oleh itu kita perlu bersabar dan belajar sebanyak mungkin dalam masa yg singkat. Insyaallah pasti ada jalannya dan Allah itu maha pemurah. Alhamdulillah, sekarang i'm looking into things in much more broaden ways. Bukan ke itu perkara yang baik? Disamping itu saya juga memberi peluang kepada collegue saya yang lama untuk memperluaskan lagi pengetahuan mereka dalam kerja yang saya buat dulu. tempat juga sudah kosong insyaallah ade rezeki mereka boleh cecepat naik pangkat :D lagi satu yang ingin saya kongsi, jangan sesekali kedekut ilmu, kerana itu tidak akan membawa anda kemana-mana.
Bak kata seorang kakak yg sangat baik hati ni, "minah ni campak kat mana2 pun die ok" hehehe ....
adiosssssWednesday, March 30, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Sejak Ahad lepas aku memang dah rasa tak sihat. Budak 2 org tu dah start demam demam 3 hari sebelum tu lagi. Biasala budak2 kalau tak sihat sure meragam n malam je sure asyik terjaga. tak selesa badan panas. Aku ni pulak mungkin dengan rehat and tido yg tak cukup maka aku pun tejerumus ke kancah masalah kesihatan nih.
Start isnin aritu aku dah start sakit tekak, batuk and selsema. sampai ler ni dah 4 hari still tak reda2 lagi. Bila masuk opis pulak, aircond punya la kuat. Sejuk macam duduk kat tundra hehhe macam la aku penah dok situ. Tapi gambaran sejuk tu camtu la untuk tahap2 aku yg dok kat malaysia ni. kene pulak makan ubat selsema n batuk perghhh apa lagi tekuap-kuap cam badak ngantuk. Bila ngantuk ni bahaya, mula la karangan surat menyurat jadi mengarut n kira2 jadi kelam kabut. Kalau masuk meeting sure kaput terus.
Malam ni dah la aku nak pegi Terengganu pulak. Harap2 selsema tak teruk sangat. Nanti camne aku nak diving esok pagi pulak?kan?kan?kan?ooohhh pulau redang...... xoxoxoxoxo
Hopefully aku fit untuk diving esok pagi.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Esok saya ada temujanji. Mudah mudahan semuanya ok. Terima kasih kepada ayah yang sentiasa memberikan sokongan terutamanya dari segi moral, emosi dan kesihatan saya. Walaupun saya tidak cakap apa-apa, tapi he just can sense it. He's always there for me through good and difficult time. Semoga Allah swt sentiasa merahmati ayah di dunia dan akhirat. Saya sayang ayah sangat!
It's been a while since i last had it. For the first time in a year period it came back.Damn! it was hard, attacking me there and then and i cant sleep until now. Its already 2.15 am and my heart is pumping super hard. I wish i could sleep, but myself are fully awake and theres no sign of sleepyness. Just took something milky hot with the hope i could fall asleep and survive the night. How i wish for that sleeping pills subscribed to me before.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Im hooked with baking since im 10 yo. Not only that, in fact i love to cook. Just tell me the menu insyaallah i can work it out. My favourite ever would always be plain butter cake with orange zests. Current addiction would be the red velvet such a devilicious with that red colouring :p
Anyways, back to baking. Alternately on every weekend night or whenever the stress level is up i will baked. I do not know why, but baking do really de-stress me out (besides scuba diving) :)
Some people might not understand it, but thats what people's define as a passion. Well even my kids love it.(more likely to lick out the left-over batter) and more having it while its still hot!
So what do you do to de-stress your self?
New job, new responsibilities and a lot of issues. I'm stuck in the office, not doing my job (obviously ;p) and updating my old blog. Every year i keep a promise to myself to update the blog at least once a month. Huh! more likely 4 entries in a year (yeah what an achievement). lol.