Monday, September 17, 2007

Diving world

Lots happening this year

I am married :)

Now I am officially pregnant :D yeah mommy!

No diving for a year fuuuh!

Saliha is off to Scotland for a year too. Good luck dear friend :)

Lynn need to grab anyone to be her buddy ;) and its lucky that SD is around :D

Azrin as usual been diving like crazy this year now Inda is following his path tee hehehe

Marina and Safwan get married and now the hubby is OWD and later going to be AOWD (so fast)

Kaz and his planning came true at last (new 4WD)

Amir dearest last but not least everybody is trying very hard to pursue him for OWD.
Come on guys more pressure please. I owe you guys big one ;) (kalau berjaya)

Love u guys!


Bakawali said...

Yeah need new buddy......

A lot has happened over this year, major changes in all our lives.

Love you both dearies and yes, Amir MUST dive next year

Next dive for you: July 2008

SeaDemon said...

Hello from John F SeaDemon, buddy of the perverted bakawali. Hahaha!

Take care!

floweryskies said...

hello SD bagus la the perverted one
match the craziness hehehe

Oimira said...

anda preknen?!!!!! :D

dibawahaspal said...

tahniah ingin ku ucapkan
di atas satu pengurniaan
selamat mahunya anak dan ibu
rezeki melimpah beratus ribu